New York’s Database of Imperiled Biodiversity

New York Natural Heritage maintains New York's most comprehensive database on the status and location of rare species and rare and high-quality natural communities. We presently track 869 rare plant species, 482 rare animal species, and 182 natural community types across New York. Our database contains more than 15,000 locations (also called occurrences) where these species and communities are found. The database also includes detailed information on the relative rareness of each species and community, the quality of their occurrences, and descriptions of sites. The information is used by public agencies, the environmental conservation community, developers, and others to aid in land-use decisions. Our data are essential for prioritizing those species and communities in need of protection and for guiding land-use and land-management decisions where these species and communities exist.

Documented locations of rare species and significant natural communities

Documented locations of rare species and significant natural communities.

Nov. 4, 2020 | Updated Jan. 28, 2021, 10:52 p.m.